What Does Cocaine Do to Your Body? 15 Cocaine Side Effects

what does crack do to your body

It’s not a sign of weakness, bad judgement or other personal characteristics. The best way to support someone coping with addiction is to encourage them to find help. It’s also important to remember cocaine use often has https://sober-home.org/ a ripple effect, putting stress and strain on relationships. If that’s your situation, consider participating in a support group. Our treatment specialists can help you find the perfect treatment center in your area.

Treatment Options for Crack Cocaine Addiction

Using cocaine can lead to many short- and long-term side effects, some of which we’ll cover in the following slides. People with cocaine use disorder may benefit from community-based programs. Researchers are evaluating drug treatments that help people stop using cocaine. The following video shows how your brain is affected by crack cocaine use and how using it can lead to dependence, addiction, and an array of negative effects.


Crack is often mixed with other substances that create toxic fumes when burned. As crack smoke does not remain potent for long, crack pipes are generally very short. This often causes cracked and blistered lips, known as “crack lip,” from users having a very hot pipe pressed against their lips. Crack causes a short-lived, intense high that is immediately followed by the opposite—intense depression, edginess and a craving for more of the drug. They can experience greatly increased heart rate, muscle spasms and convulsions. The drug can make people feel paranoid,1 angry, hostile and anxious—even when they aren’t high.

  1. Effects of crack include hyperstimulation, euphoria, fever, and increased heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure.
  2. The vaccine activates your immune system to create antibodies that attach to cocaine and stop it from making its way into your brain.
  3. Dopamine is a chemical messenger that forms part of the reward system.
  4. While anyone could experience trouble in these areas, these problems are very common among people who struggle with addiction.
  5. Surgeons used it to block pain before local anesthetic were available.
  6. These feelings are incredibly reinforced at these high amounts, leading a person to crave more of this highly addictive drug quickly.

Cocaine Addiction

Because crack use itself is known to cause depression and anxiety, using it to alleviate the onset of these feelings becomes a vicious cycle—one that can quickly result in addiction. You can snort cocaine by crushing it into a fine powder, dividing it into lines, and snorting it through the nose. Snorting cocaine https://sober-home.org/salvia-effects-physical-and-psychological-effects/ can damage your nose, especially if not finely ground. This method delivers large quantities of the drug to the lungs, producing an immediate and intense euphoric effect. Traditionally, crack use was rare outside the U.S. and the U.K. But it has grown into a significant public health issue worldwide.

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Emotionally, crack cocaine use can lead to an almost immediate and constant craving for more, as well as anxiety and restlessness. It is permitted for some medical use but is otherwise outlawed. A crack cocaine overdose is a medical emergency that can have life-threatening consequences. If you believe you or someone you know may be overdosing, call 911. Crack cocaine is a volatile drug that rewires a person’s brain to ensure they crave only one thing — crack. To someone on the outside, it may seem like the friend or family member they once knew is gone, replaced by a person who no longer has any ties to former interests.

what does crack do to your body

Healthcare providers may occasionally use cocaine as anesthesia. More commonly, people use cocaine to boost feelings like being energized, happy and alert. Cocaine is very addictive, meaning people seek out the drug and use it even though they know the choice comes with negative consequences. There are treatments for cocaine use disorder (cocaine addiction), but people often relapse and use it again. One of the main reasons people go to the emergency room for cocaine-related problems is chest pains from cardiovascular problems. Cocaine constricts blood vessels while increasing heart rate and blood pressure.

The short-term physical and mental effects of using crack are generally more intense than the effects of snorting powdered cocaine and similar to those of injecting cocaine. These effects are also similar to those of other commonly abused stimulants, such as methamphetamine. Crack cocaine use increases the risk of many issues resulting in sudden death. Cocaine abusers tend to be reluctant to seek medical, psychiatric, or addiction treatment services and go on for years struggling to maintain their habit or until a catastrophic event occurs.

But there are a few medication options doctors are having some success with. An ER doctor will test for those conditions and try to treat them first. They may also use medication to treat other complications you have. Many people start to build a tolerance after their first use of cocaine. Your chances of getting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, are higher if you use cocaine.

A few of the symptoms of addiction, as outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) include ignoring responsibilities to use, tolerance, withdrawal, and using more than initially intended. A crack addiction can put a person at risk for serious health consequences, including death. Preventing the use of this drug is critical because even a single instance of use can lead to addiction or death in some people.

According to the National Drug Intelligence Center, part of its popularity is due to the fact that almost anyone can make it, provided they have the right tools. Additionally, it can be produced in smaller, easily transported quantities that are cheaper to buy than powdered cocaine. A common method of production involves mixing cocaine with ammonia, baking soda, and water. As the water dissolves, dried crystals—known as crack cocaine—form. The list of potential effects cocaine and crack cocaine can have on a person is long, and can vary depending on the amount taken, how often it is smoked and any medical or psychological conditions a person may have.

Ask a healthcare provider about programs and services for people affected by another person’s cocaine use. Inpatient treatment centers are a desirable choice for many crack abusers because these centers keep the user away from the drug and anyone using it. Inpatient programs can also provide the intensive counseling and therapy many people require to recover from crack cocaine addiction. Additional aftercare or sober living programs can help ex-abusers maintain their sobriety and rebuild their lives once they leave the safety of inpatient treatment. Crack, or freebase cocaine, is an intensely potent stimulant or “upper.” As an upper, it affects the central nervous system, causing a person’s blood pressure, breathing, heart, and temperature rates to rise. This neurotransmitter regulates a person’s sense of reward and pleasure.

what does crack do to your body

Difficulty and irregular breathing are common when the CNS is over-stimulated by cocaine. “When cocaine is used with alcohol, the liver produces cocaethylene, a powerful compound that increases the risk of sudden death beyond the risk of using cocaine alone,” says CAMH. Taking cocaine once may cause short-term effects, such as euphoria, hypersensitivity, and paranoia. Another potential risk of long-term cocaine use is malnourishment because cocaine is an appetite suppressant. Other long-term risks include severe paranoia, hallucinations, and movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease.

Illicit substances like crack cocaine vary in their consistency, so no two crack users react the same, but from the outset, there are a number of serious potential physical side effects from the drug. Those range from aggression, nausea, and loss of appetite, to seizures, stroke, and heart failure. Finding a drug rehab that specializes in the treatment of crack addiction improves the chances of successful recovery by leaps and bounds. There are even some rehab centers that exclusively focus on helping for helping people overcome a dependency on crack cocaine. Throughout 16 months of active addiction and my nearly two decades of sobriety, I’ve been able to meet people who had very diverse drugs of choice. I once met a woman who swore that smoking gas station K2 (spice) and huffing a can of duster made her feel “magical.” During that time, I only came across two people who said their drug of choice was crack cocaine.

How long it’s detectable depends on the type of drug test used. Considering how destructive the consequences of the drug are, the availability and widespread use of crack can be surprising. Enter your phone number below to receive a free and confidential call from a treatment provider. The symptoms usually begin about 6-12 hours after your last use. There are about 750,000 cocaine-exposed pregnancies each year.

Detoxing the body of the substance and attending psychotherapy can help people with their long-term recovery from crack addiction. Understanding the short-term and long-term effects of crack cocaine is important for a person thinking about using the drug, who is already addicted to the drug, or who is the a loved one of cocaine users. Users typically insufflate (snort) or first dissolve in solution, then inject powdered cocaine. However, people who use crack typically smoke the substance. While uncommon, crack can be dissolved in aqueous solution and injected, similarly to its powdered counterpart. Smoking the drug produces a faster, more intense high than snorting does because it reaches the bloodstream and brain more quickly.